Low Carbon

Low Carbon Demonstrator Housing

The Mercury Programme (Low Carbon) Logo

The low carbon demonstrator housing project aims to demonstrate how technological innovation in renewables, alongside energy-efficient construction, can achieve zero-carbon targets in new and existing homes at a large scale. These technological innovations include solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, battery storage and hydrogen renewable energy sources.

The project plans to transform Arbroath into a low carbon town by delivering affordable housing at zero carbon standards for both new-build and existing affordable housing. The project aims to drive down costs, increase supply, and support zero-carbon manufacturing supply chains.

Part of the project will identify challenges that may affect the lifestyle of our customers and to design a programme of education, training and guidance to support them.

This project will help tackle climate change practically and effectively while providing a testbed for research and analysis. Findings from this analysis will increase our understanding of how similar methodologies deliver varying outcomes. It will provide insights into marketability, demand, people behaviours and profitability.

This project involves both the Scottish and UK governments, Angus Council, Construction Scotland Innovation Centre and Abertay University.

Our current partners

Abertay University

Construction Scotland Innovation Centre

Forster Roofing